Promote Equality
Promote Equality
An anti-racist tool for organisations to use to challenge systemic racism
"Staff training left a profound effect on those who were trained" (Headteacher, JWS)
Our Vision
Promote Equality is a tool that will support your organisation's drive for racial equality and equity. The comprehensive and self-directed nature of this not only makes this training platform unique but one which also secures sustained change. The intentional long-term structure of this ensures that development in the area of racial equality can be achieved through bite-sized tasks across the whole organisation.
The platform has been developed as a self-directed course, with a facilitator from your organisation delivering the training, once an initial pre-course module has been completed, along with the reading of the detailed facilitator notes.
Rachel Clarke
As a mother, a Deputy Head, the grand daughter of the first Black Headteacher in Wales, Betty Campbell, and the daughter of a Headteacher in London, Rachel has an inherent understanding of education. She has developed strategies to implement positive change, ensuring racial equity is embedded throughout schools.
Our Training Programme
We offer a fully comprehensive training and personal development tool designed to guide and support
leaders in establishing a positive, collaborative and enriched environment that promotes equality and
equity for all.
Education is key for the success of this programme. Tools and resources provided will enable organisations to inform participants, broaden understanding and challenge perspectives facilitating a holistic
approach to the promotion of equality.
This programme will provide participants with a platform to share views in a collaborative, positive and controlled environment, empowering individuals to seek out solutions and drive change from within.
The organisation will thrive as a result of the positive change achieved. Success will lead to increased satisfaction, harmonious working, loyalty and the overall enhancement of the well-being of members and customers.
Membership Options
A comprehensive tool that includes yearly unlimited access to the anti-racist resources and training for all staff, senior staff, steering group and Minority Ethnic focus group sessions. This full package of support is for those organisations who seek a deep anti-racist approach across their organisation.
Get in Touch
We’d love to hear from you!
Reach out today with any questions, or simply to learn more about Promote Equality.